Is It Time For A Pap Smear?

Is It Time For A Pap Smear?

Posted by Wombilee on Jul 25th 2022

Most women dread getting a Pap smear.WHY?We don't like strangers poking around down there; the whole experience is generally pretty uncomfortable. However, it's important to remember that regular check-ups are essential for maintaining our vaginal health. One of the best ways to do this is through a …
Emotional Changes During Puberty

Emotional Changes During Puberty

Posted by Wombilee on Jul 11th 2022

Puberty is a normal, natural process that all girls go through as they transition from childhood to adulthood. It usually begins around age 10 or 11 but can start as early as age 8 or as late as 14. During puberty, the body produces new hormones, which can cause physical and emotional changes.Here a …
Girl Dads

Girl Dads

Posted by Courtney Hale on Jun 14th 2022

What was in your mind when you first knew you would have a daughter?I immediately thought about what I've done wrong in the past and how that may come back to bite me as a dad. I also started thinking about protecting my daughter. At first, it seemed like a pretty daunting task, but I also had to re …


Posted by Domo The Doula on Jun 1st 2022

Infertility is when your uterus, ovaries, or fallopian tubes cannot produce or hold a full pregnancy. It also includes not being able to conceive full term.Endometriosis can interfere with women's infertility; your lining growing on the outside of your uterus. You could have structural problems, suc …
Lifestyle Changes for a Healthier Period

Lifestyle Changes for a Healthier Period

Posted by Nae on May 10th 2022

Cramping, bleeding for more than four days, heavy bleeding, and brown blood is not normal.Diet, lifestyle, and the amount of stress we endure in preparation for our period, including the amount of stress we still have stored in the body and the womb, can contribute to cramps. If you are a tampon or …
Debunking Period Myths

Debunking Period Myths

Posted by Nae on May 1st 2022

What you eat affects your menstrual cycle?Yes. Eating meat, dairy, and excessive sugar two weeks before your period negatively alters your symptoms, pain, flow, the color of the blood, and how long the period lasts. Dairy turns into mucus, which can lead you to have chronic infections after every …
The Four Phases of the Menstrual Cycle

The Four Phases of the Menstrual Cycle

Posted by Brittany L. Cheeks and Nae on Apr 19th 2022

Brittany Cheeks of Peaceful Periods: When we talk about periods, we have to differentiate between women on hormonal birth control and those who are not. The last week of hormonal birth control consists of sugar pills, and that's when women bleed. The bleeding isn't an actual period; it's a with …
Don't Let Periods Cramp Your Style

Don't Let Periods Cramp Your Style

Posted by Brittany L. Cheeks on Apr 11th 2022

I've always had excruciating period pain, even though my two sisters and mom didn't. I would miss school and activities because of the pain and just always thought it was normal. My turning point was a year in a half ago when I collapsed at work because I was in so much pain. My co-worker took me to …