7 Ways to Help Your Child Feel Confident About Their Period

7 Ways to Help Your Child Feel Confident About Their Period

Posted by Wombilee on Aug 5th 2023


There's no denying that periods can feel physically uncomfortable and awkward. It's also understandable if things may feel tense emotionally. What's perplexing is that it's normal for the conversation about periods to be considered embarrassing or uncomfortable, and it's been this way for too long.

Having your period is like being a part of a secret alliance. We even hide the word 'period' behind codes like 'time of the month,' 'code red,' or lady time.' There's even an unspoken but universal rule to hide menstrual products or slyly pass them over to friends in need as if it's a secret mission. There has been so much shame surrounding the topic of periods and not enough support from one another. How have we, as a society, let this go on for so long?

Here's a theory; within our issues of gender inequality is ignorance masked as insensitivity. Could it be that it's so difficult to fathom the idea of the intensity and strength it is to be a woman that it makes the opposite sex uncomfortable? In turn, creating a feeling of isolation and detachment, which diminishes the natural qualities of who we are. Maybe, maybe not.

What's most important is for us to change this deformed structure by igniting change within our children. The more we normalize these topics and instill confidence within them, the better chance we have at evolving as a society. Besides, we all can benefit from having more comfort, love, and inclusivity to create harmony. Yes, this is an intimate experience, but it's best that our children have more confidence and respect for themselves and one another. Remember, it all starts with you. So, we've shared our top 7 ways to help your child feel confident about their period to get the ball rolling.

1. Educate Your Child First and Foremost

Reach your child's mind before anyone else does. You can grasp the reins of their knowledge best if you're implementing what they need to know. Don't wait for them to learn from a syllabus written for a standard health class. They'll have a better understanding coming from someone who intimately loves and respects them. Learning these aspects of life in school surrounded by their peers can already add embarrassment, judgment, and other negative feelings. As you may remember from your experience, everyone goes through puberty on their own time. This can lead to insecurities that can derail a deep understanding of what they are going through. You can offer a safe space to learn all aspects of puberty–biologically and emotionally.

2. Give Them The Experience Before The Experience

Before your child even needs menstrual products, have them learn what they are and how to use them. Waiting to give them an explanation until they actually get their period seems like it would be the best idea, but they may feel overwhelmed by that time, so getting them to imagine what their future looks like can help alleviate some discomfort.

You can share a visit to the store to show them where to find a variety of different products. Or, you can share a visit to our site or social media to explain which ones are best for certain occasions and their health. This will help lessen the tension when the time comes. They are likely to feel more confident when they have all the intel needed when they're ready.

3. Pack A Menstrual Bag

Keeping your child prepared can help avoid embarrassment from leakage or accidents. We recommend our period pouch, which is stylishly discreet and spacious enough to pack all the pads they'll need, some emergency ibuprofen, and even a snack or two. Preparation always leads to confidence.

4. Empowerment & Encouragement

Despite how all the past generations handled things, we now have the opportunity to teach future generations how to feel proud and what to feel proud of. Firstly, she needs to know that becoming a woman is a right of passage and should feel like such rather than a burden. Teaching your child the power of her womb can ensure her confidence as she grows into womanhood. Aim for her to feel less of a victim and more of a divine human by explaining to her how every woman from generation to generation has experienced this true strength–and now she holds that same power.

5. Gift Her A Special Journal

Let us remember that beginning puberty is a lot to handle. An extreme spike in hormones and adjusting to all those new feelings can feel overwhelming. Your child will need some privacy and time to handle themselves on their own. Getting them a journal specifically for their period can help with guidance to maneuver their new emotions, feelings, and hormonal stressors. This is a time when many young people are unsure or unable to express themselves, especially to their parents. By giving them this outlet, you can help them become confident about their periods by giving them the privacy and space to understand & learn themselves.

6. Celebrate With An Intimate Outing

Your child isn't the only one experiencing change. Watching them grow up isn't exactly easy, although you should feel proud. Creating a new bond can represent a change in your relationship. Even if you can't help but see your child as your little baby, you should try your best to respect that they are maturing. The both of you could benefit from a celebration as they are milestones for you both. Enjoy a spa day or an outing that will feel special or "grown-up." This way, they may associate this change within their body positively, leading to more self-confidence. Leading a life toward maturity starts with an appreciation for growing up rather than feeling uncomfortable and unpleasant.

7. Share Or Compare Your Story

Relatability can feel less isolating. Sharing your story will help your child feel that you genuinely understand what they are going through. Parents tend to forget the fear of vulnerability when they advance from childhood and teenagehood. It doesn't quite matter why they feel uncomfortable; it just matters that you understand that they do. Share your experiences of overcoming this stage and how you developed into womanhood. If you relate to your child by having your own awkward experiences, express that to her and share how you could've done it differently if you could. This can help them feel confident that they aren't alone and that their feelings are entirely normal.