The Importance and Benefits of Breastfeeding

The Importance and Benefits of Breastfeeding

Posted by Wombilee on Aug 1st 2024


Importance of breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is an age-old practice that not only nourishes your baby but is also a way to make that emotional bond between the mother and baby. A mother goes through intense pain while delivering the baby, which sometimes causes her to have negative thoughts. Still, the magical bond of breastfeeding eliminates everything. Breastmilk is a perfect balanced blend of protein, fats, vitamins, and antibodies that a baby needs to grow. The milk produced in the early days of breastfeeding is called Colostrum. It includes concentrated immune-boosting ingredients that the baby needs to fight infections and diseases as he enters and gets used to this world. How amazing! The benefits are physical, and both the baby and mother benefit emotionally. We haven't encountered anything like this, which is nothing less than a miracle or blessing.

Benefits of breastfeeding for the baby

The benefits of breastfeeding are not limited to the baby's physical growth. Breast milk has omega-3 fatty acids and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), key brain development and cognitive growth factors. That is why research has proven that breastfed kids have higher IQs and better academic performance. They are even less prone to infections and other health issues, including chronic conditions. Skin-to-skin contact makes the baby feel secure and improves their emotional well-being. They have higher confidence and a strong sense of emotions. Breast milk is golden as it changes its components over time to provide the ideal nutrition a baby needs to grow.

Benefits of breastfeeding for the mother

Breastfeeding is beneficial for the baby and the mother, leading to a healthier well-being. Breastfeeding helps in postpartum recovery by assisting the contraction of the uterus. It is also known to reduce postpartum bleeding, and one highly appreciated benefit is that it helps in returning to pre-pregnancy weight. After all, who wouldn't want to shed that weight without hitting the gym? Breastfeeding also releases the love hormone known as oxytocin in our body. It helps the mother relax and release stress, which helps in focusing on a positive hormonal and emotional balance. The emotional satisfaction one gets after nurturing one's child is something beyond words. So, that reduces the risk of postpartum depression and anxiety, which is common after delivering your baby. What's more astonishing is that it also reduces the risk of certain cancers, specifically breast and ovarian cancer.

How to sustain a healthy milk supply?

Maintaining an adequate milk supply for a successful breastfeeding period is very important. And it may not come naturally every time, so there are some tips and techniques that can help you with it, which are listed below:

1. Proper latching: This is the most crucial factor for successful breastfeeding. An improper latch can cause discomfort for both the baby and mother, resulting in a painful session, making both dread breastfeeding. There are lactation consultants who help you through it if you require it, so don't feel ashamed and seek the guidance needed for successful breastfeeding.

2. Hydration and nutrition of the mother: It cannot be emphasized enough how important it is for the mother to be hydrated for breastfeeding. You will only produce the milk supply your baby needs when you drink enough water and have a healthy balanced diet.

3. Frequent nursing: Breastfeeding works on a supply and demand basis. We know you must have heard this often, but it is true. So, the more you nurse your baby, the more milk you will produce. A newborn will most likely feed every 2-3 hours; try not to extend the gap longer, as it will help you maintain your supply and production.

4. Pumping: If your newborn takes a gap longer than 2-3 hours, we will advise you to pump and store your milk so that your milk production isn't affected. You can store your milk in the freezer for up to 6 months, in the refrigerator for up to 4 days, and at room temperature for up to 4 hours.

5. Avoid stress: This mainly was considered a myth or an old wives' tale, but let us tell you that it is factual. The mother needs to manage her stress with practical strategies not to hinder milk production for breastfeeding.

6. Home remedies and supplements: There are a lot of home remedies that can help you sustain your milk production, like fennel tea, protein-rich foods, oats, nuts, semolina, beans, and much more. Add these to your diet and see the magic it does to your milk production. There are herbal supplements available over the counter but ask for professional guidance before taking them, as not all are effective.

7. Pacifiers and bottles: It is advised to offer your baby a bottle or pacifier only after you have successfully gotten them accustomed to breastfeeding and set a schedule.


Breastfeeding is a natural gift that nourishes the body and soul. The satisfaction it gives is priceless, and I don't think any woman would exchange it for anything in the world. The benefits for the baby are numerous, and it lasts way beyond early life. Breastfeeding shapes the foundation of a healthy life for the baby and mother by providing nourishment, emotional bonds, and overall well-being. We truly believe it is a lifelong gift of health. Mothers should follow the tips and techniques for sustaining milk production for a successful and fulfilling breastfeeding phase. We should empower and spread awareness of the fantastic benefits of breastfeeding so that everyone can make this choice for their babies and make way for a healthier future.