Debunking Period Myths
Posted by Nae on May 1st 2022
What you eat affects your menstrual cycle?
Yes. Eating meat, dairy, and excessive sugar two weeks before your period negatively alters your symptoms, pain, flow, the color of the blood, and how long the period lasts. Dairy turns into mucus, which can lead you to have chronic infections after every period, before every period, or just randomly throughout the month. Eat clean in preparation and while you're on your period.
Women's periods can sync?
We actually do give off certain pheromones, so when women are in connection with each other energetically speaking, we absorb those things. It can sync up/alter your menstrual cycle because we all are connected spiritually and energetically. And especially if we all are in a condition where we have healthy menstrual cycles, the 28-day cycle.
Can using a tampon take a woman's virginity?
Why do we relate the breaking of a woman's hymen to losing her virginity, especially knowing that there are different ways to engage in sex? A tampon can not take your virginity; a tampon is a stick of cotton. Some women don't engage in penetration and still have an active sex life, such as same-sex relations.
You can't get pregnant on your period?
You can get pregnant when you're on your period because you may not have a healthy ovulation cycle. That means you may not even know that you're ovulating and shedding simultaneously. It's very rare, but it can happen.
Can you get a yeast infection from Yoni Steaming?
Yoni steams don't give yeast infections because the base and source of infections is mucus. Steam can't introduce mucus. But steam does help to draw mucus out of the body, helping to clear, prevent, or treat an infection.
Nae is a S.H.E.O/Owner, Certified Pelvic Steaming Practitioner, Intuitive Womb Healer, and Pelvic Steam Facilitator Instructor. She is a certified "Steamy Chick" through the Persisteam Hydrotherapy Institute located in California, under the teachings of Keli Garza. She developed a passion for womb healing while taking her own womb healing journey in 2017. Through healing herself of imbalances in the menstrual cycle, Wombman's Entuition was born! Nae has served over 2,000 women and counting and even several men. She is dedicated to helping you reconnect to the body from withEN!